Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice. The items are displayed by year and month. To view older entries use the links in the box below to select the year and month you would like.
May 01, 2018
Everyone wants to drive safer, see more comfortably and protect the long term health of their eyes. What many don't know is the advantages that polarized eyewear can give when trying to accomplish these goals, and more. Polarized lenses aren't new. For many years now, polarized sunglasses have been a...
May 01, 2018
Having allergies can mean more than the sniffling and sneezing that most people associate with it. It's Red, swollen, itchy eyes may also be a significant sign of allergies that can come whether you are sneezing uncontrollably or not.
Jan 04, 2018
The New Year is coming and many people include healthier eating and exercise in their resolutions for the year ahead. Well other than weight loss and overall health and disease-prevention, a healthy diet and regular exercise can protect your eyes and your vision. In particular, there are certain vitamins and...
Jan 03, 2018
What’s it like to be color blind? Contrary to what the name implies, color blindness usually does not actually mean that you don’t see any color, but rather that you have difficulty perceiving or distinguishing between certain colors. This is why many prefer the term color vision deficiency or CVD...
Jul 18, 2017
Are Your Eyes Sensitive to Light? Light sensitivity, also known as photophobia, is a condition in which bright light – either natural sunlight or artificial light – can cause significant discomfort, pain and intolerance. People that experience light sensitivity will find themselves needing to close their eyes or squint when...
Jul 18, 2017
ATTENTION: To all my valued patients in Sarasota, Sears Optical is closed. I have moved to Sam's Club, Sarasota. Your records are also now conveniently located at Sam's Club, Sarasota. Please call for an appointment - 941-341-0737 or 941-921-0002. Sam's Club Membership not required for the optical....
Jan 26, 2017
Everything you need to make this school year an A+.
Jan 24, 2017
Joy of Sight is with you in your fight against Age-related Macular Degeneration. Become a member today and receive valuable coupons, expert advice, and tips to help you manage AMD.
Mar 08, 2016
The winners are in! We were voted best optical in Sarasota! Read more......
Jan 14, 2016
If you are having difficulty seeing in dim light and small print is getting tougher to make out you may be a good candidate to try one of the new multi focal (bifocal) soft daily disposable contact lenses.
May 01, 2015
Bausch and Lomb 30 day disposable contact lens available called Ultra, with MoistureSeal technology.
Oct 08, 2014
We now have the brand new Air Optix Color soft disposable contacts to change the color of your eyes. Air Optix Colors contact lenses are made with a unique surface technology that provides consistent comfort throughout the day. These contacts have a smooth surface technology which creates a protective layer...
Dec 17, 2013
We now carry the very newest multifocal (Bifocal) disposable contact lens for patients over 40 having trouble seeing clear up close, which is PureVision 2 for Presbyopia by Bausch & Lomb. This is a new multifocal contact lens that provides a clear view of the real world. It is designed...
Nov 22, 2013
BIOTRUE ONEday contact lens placed in the top 100 most technologically significant products of 2013 by R&D Magazine for its breakthrough bio- inspired attributes. The first daily disposable lens that combines three bio-inspired features-BIOTRUE ONEday contact lenses contain 78% water, the same water content as your cornea,and deliver the oxygen...
Oct 17, 2013
Feb 08, 2013
Visit our new optometry website for information about our Practice.
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